Can you imagine a world without social networking?
A world without the internet?
A world without Cell phones?
A world without computers or laptops?
Without iPods or PSPs?
Without computer games or digital games?
Without colour television?
Without projectors and electronics?
Airports would be in chaos as all the tickets were hand written and messages would take forever to reach people via snail mail. Image a world without airplanes? Everything would be even slower. Now you'd have to wait 3 weeks for a boat to travel around the tip of Africa to deliver your message and the wait a further 3 weeks for a reply (that is of course if the sender responds quickly)
It would be dismal! However that's not even near to where we're going... In the last 30 years we've been able to witness and rapid transformation and evolution in technology - from the first cell phone (that weighted a ton) to the new iPhone 5 (that's so awesome - it's invisible)
The thing is - were does technology stop evolving if it's upgrading almost daily?
Think about it - our parents saw the beginning of the technological age (many a time I've been told stories of ineffective type writers and manual letter writing) we as the purple people of today are about to witness the biggest change in the technological world - we are about to witness the singularity.
The singularity is the point when machines and technology surpass human intellect or combine with humans to create cyborgs... Either way seeing the end of the human race.
Right now you're thinking "Oh please! that'll never happen!" But wasn't walking on the moon once a fictional story? The scary thing is - we have the facts to support this theory. It is estimated that by 2023 computers will surpass the intelligence of a lab rate and by 2040 the intelligence of a human.
technology is evolving and it's evolving fast. Already great break throughs are happening and the pinnacle of artificial intelligence is near.
The only problem with technology surpassing human intelligence is that we will become somewhat redundant - in every conceivable way. Super computers will be able to update and advance themselves and well - basically take over the world. Sound dramatic? Well in a sense it is - and it's that real. We have no idea what will happen (for good or for worse) if we release a new species onto the planet. Will the new technological being care for the environment or will their mind set be that of the human greed?
If we humans introduce a superior species will we not in essence, die off? After all it is survival of the fittest and so far humans are the fittest due to our cognitive and logical thinking. Now if there is something that can think faster, work harder and doing everything better (without having to take breaks to play Farmville) do you not think that when resources become scares we'll be the first to go?
The question is - do we create the technology for all it's benefits? or do we stay clear of it and prod in another area? I fully believe that interesting times are to follow - before you know it a terabyte hard-drive will look as pathetic as a 5 megabyte hard-drive next to an 8 GB flash drive (about 30 times smaller in size)