
So I was reading 'How to blog successfully" and it says a blog needs a purpose and an introduction page... So here goes.. 

The Purpose

We were bored... and so we made a blog. About you ask? Look at this as a digital soap box. Amanda and I bring random thoughts to the floor to make others think or just to voice opinions. 

The Team

This right here - Is Amanda - She's cool
Amanda lives on Candy Mountain.
She wears broken watches. 

And this... This is me, Dakota (I was posing for an art Prac...)
Dakota lives in Bat Country.
She sings to her cat in the early hours of the morning

Together we formed.... 
(Pause for dramatic irony) 
(further dramatic pause) 

Background Information

A Purple Person is someone with ordinal thought and intuition. 
Anyone can be a purple person.
 You just have to start thinking. 

Posting times


Contact Us

Facebook - Purple People Unite
E-mail: corbett.dakota@gmail.com


This blog tracks the random interests of two purple people 
Me and Amanda....
(Who clearly don't have much free time cuz they post so irregularly) 

We'll see how that goes - but for the mean time...

Stay awesome ;) 

...Dakz out...