Sunday, October 24

Exit stage Left

According to parents: 
We're too young for love, too old for "fun", too smart to play dumb and too immature for "grown up" conversations...
So it's no wonder teens are so rebellious. There's simply nothing else to do!!!

And so when Rebellion just isn't an option anymore, we turn to the Internet, to technology, to little distractions that act as a rebellion...

Forum there is no clear cut solution to this problem - it's true, in the day of today we grow up far too fast, I mean when was the last time you played hide and go seek? the last time you played tag or even lay under the starts at night?
What happened to the days when we camped in the back garden, braaied marshmallows and explored the world outside the clinging grip of the ever potent technology? 

I personally can't remember, and maybe the solution is well quite simply to relax a little... Stop working all day everyday and take a break. Make work something you want to do - not have to do. Lively it up a bit, smile and start a conversation with someone new.
Come on! Tell Facebook and YouTube that you don't need to visit them daily (or even hourly) for lengthily periods - In-fact I bet none of you can stay off the Internet for more than week 

We need to relax, smile and enjoy life - otherwise, what is the point of living? 
In my opinion we may as well exit stage left if live is just one big drone...  

1 comment:

  1. lol but us as students, get allot of homework during the week so I must admit it can be a bit hard 2 braai marshmellows while doiing a science proj. but i get the idea ;)
