Sunday, April 10

What to do on long drives?

Recently I've just come back from holiday... It was great, there's another one in a weeks time - I sure can't wait.

The only problem is that there is nothing to do on the 4 hour drive from home to my holiday house near the sea (It's madness I live on the Coast and travel 4 hours to visit another coast for the holiday)
So I decided to occupy my time wisely and now that I am the guru of wise time spending I shall offer some ideas so that next time you go on a long drive or are just bored - you'll have something to do...

1. iPod owners 
Buy a CD or download a whole batch of music from genres you don't often listen to (For me it was Rap and Metal) make sure it's enough to get you a good half of your trip... (Sometimes iPods don't last that long in terms of battery - that would have to be a very long trip thou...)

(I know it's illegal but it's a good way to download music for previews sake)
Download your music here!

Alternatively if you own a portable screen (I.e: iPad, iPod touch, laptop etc) follow the following links to download a number of interesting and funny YouTube videos
-South African (ZA NEWS) 
-TED talks (Ideas worth sharing)
- = 3 (Ray William Johnson) 
- Julian Smith (I made this for you) 

2. Get creative!
How about starting a new project? weaving and stitching is easily done on the plane or in the car. Design and make yourself a new something. (I made a guitar strap - was pretty epic) Even better use recycled materials - it's eco-friendly and fun!

3. Think up a story 
I love doing this - take your 3 best friends or a few people in your life and make up a story, it can be fantasy, action or anything you desire, then try writing it down... You never know... That's how the major Vampire series 'Twilight' was created (Don't read it! Read the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - much better!)

4. Read a book 
If you get car sick - don't try but it makes good reading time...

5. Stare out the window
Have a look at where you're going - believe it or not the world is a beautiful place!

6. Videos and Photographs
Take footage of the surrounds - the blurred effect can come in handy

7. If you're desperate 
Count as many prime numbers as you can without stopping...

Hope it comes in handy ;)
Sorry about the belated post (I'm working on something big for the blog... Coming soon!)

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