Wednesday, January 25


I had an idea!!! I know this will work!!
(the proposal at present applies to my school Merrifield but all support is needed!)

Save the Rhinos Proposal

So far this year 24 rhinos have been poached. If poaching continues the rhino population is going to go into population decline by latest mid-2012. Everyone should be contributing to save what’s left of South Africa’s rhinos.

As a green project school I believe it is appropriate for us to help the cause. To do this I have devised a plan that is both cost efficient and school friendly.

If one person where to pay R2 rand towards the Rhino fund once a week in a full year that person would contribute R104.00 towards the rhino fund.

If that person where to contribute R5.00, towards the Rhino fund once a week they would contribute R260.00 in a year.

There are more than 500 students at Merrifield. If each student where to contribute 5 rand once a week (assuming there are 30 weeks of school in a year) we could raise R75 000…

But why would students want to pay R5.00 every week? They wouldn’t. But here’s the catch – Everyone loves wearing civvies.

What if we where allowed to wear civvies on a Friday on the condition that we paid R5.00 or more towards the rhino fund?

What if the whole school did it? What if we set a trend and all the schools did it? Why not send this proposal to all other schools? What if businesses started doing it too? What if we started up a positive protest that caught on?.......

Our 75 000 rand could easily become 1 million, 2 million and eventually the protection of our Rhinos.

I think this is a valid cause, and even if it never grows past our contribution of
75 000 rand – I believe it’s a step in the right direction and positive proof that when we say we’re an eco-conscious school, it’s not just planting a tree on arbor day but actually setting a trend that counts.    

Dakota Corbett – who’s with me?

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