Sunday, May 22

Cell phones - means to not end?

"What is the most important living organism on Earth?" I was once asked....
I answered - "Well, I suppose everything leans on the existence of everything else so nothing can really be 'the most important'..."
I got a laugh out of that, and was told I think to literally (what ever that means)
I was then asked "What is the most important insect on Earth?"
At this stage I wanted to answer - 42 (Which if you've read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy you would know is the answer to life the universe and everything) but instead I answered:
"Ants - they clean everything up and make up most of the insect population.." again another chuckle
"Ants are mindless greedy buggers that collect food to feed the queen, they are far from the most important, dispute their importance..."  there was a dramatic pause, the gaze shifted out the window
"The correct answer would be Bees..."
"Bees? But they're also self absorbed bastards only interested in following the queens orders" I said...
"Ah yes - but now, now you're not thinking literally enough..."
Puzzled I asked "Well why then?"
"Bees... pollinate plants and without pollination they cannot reproduce and without plants - all living organisms will perish..."

It's true - such small insects have such a massive impact on society - on the way we live... I was shocked to read an article on how cell phone frequency interferes with bees making them disorientated.
Nearly everyone has a cell phone (if not two) and everyone generally has more than three cell phones in a life time.
It's terribly scary to imagen Bees becoming extinct...

To me it seems Cell-phones are a nuisance, they've been proven to have harmful effects on the human body and the environment on numerous levels, but is that because they are targeted in terms of research? If so what technology that we use that isn't targeted for research has similar or worse effects? Microwaves? Wi-Fi?
How much don't we know and how much will we discover? Development is great, I love technology - but it seems to be going in the wrong direction. We need to combine green design and efficiency into all our technology.
Heck - maybe one-day we'll all phone each other using Wi-Fi ...


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